Highly Respected Expert Medical Doctors and Ph. D.s Say We Do Not Need Fiber and Carbs – They Are Non-Essential Nutrients!
Being a certified nutritionist who hasn't consumed fiber or carbs for 8 years, I agree with them. Let's take a look at the evidence these experts present.
I’ve written about the problems with carbs and fiber multiple times. I often get push-back from laypeople, and plenty of praise from experts who know the old science most still follow is flawed and the researchers made mistakes.
I have followed the keto-carnivore diet for 8 years and do not eat fiber or carbs. So, I can vouch that our bodies and brains do not need them. If they were “essential nutrients,” that would mean you cannot live without them. That would also translate into me and millions of other fellow Carnivores being dead a long ago.
Yet, the opposite is the case – we are all healthier, and fitter than ever and thriving on only eating meat, fish, seafood, eggs, all animal products, and animal fats.
However, that’s not the case – I’m alive and kicking and healthier than ever at age 54, like all of my fellow Carnivore Colleagues.
If you follow the Carnivore diet, your body absorbs 95% of the essential nutrients you consume. The result is you have less stool, and it’s always soft, and you are never constipated. That’s another fact I confirm after eating Carnivore for 8 years.
The fat in the carnivore diet keeps your stool soft, and your gut easily digests the meat and fat, of which, again, most of it is absorbed by the body
I always speak and write the truth, which today is backed up by lots of new science, research, modern medical doctors, and famous Ph. D.s in the field of nutrition. Let’s take a look at what these highly educated experts have to say about carbs and fiber. You can then decide for yourself.
I am not misleading you with these presentations – they all contain scientifically backed empirical evidence!
Here are a few hugely popular MDs and Ph. D.s talking about fiber and carbs:
Paul Mason — “From fiber to the microbiome: low carb gut health.”
Dr. Paul Mason’s video about fiber.
“Paul Saladino MD on Why We Don’t Need Fiber for a Healthy Microbiome.”
Dr. Paul Saladino’s video about Fiber.
“Don’t we need fiber for a healthy microbiome? No, this is probably one of the most absurd discussions.” Dr. Paul Saladino.
Please view this video by Anthony Chaffee MD. Another highly qualified and respected Medical Doctor explains what fiber does to our bodies and why we don’t need it.
You DON’T Need Fiber! (Fiber, Constipation, and Diet). Anthony Chaffee MD
“A very commonly asked question is about whether you need fiber for digestion, and whether you’ll get constipation on a carnivore diet. In fact, some get loose stools instead of constipation on Carnivore and don’t know why. Well, your answers are here! Share this with others who you think would help!”
Anthony Chaffee MD
Finally, please view this video by the highly respected Medical Doctor, Ph.D., and Nutrition Expert, Dr. Zoe Harcombe – she backs up her claims with a presentation from the American Association of Nutrition! Again, hard truthful facts!
What About Fiber?
Dr. Zoe Harcome Ph.D.
Next, please read Georgia Ede’s article about fiber. She’s another expert MD in the field of Nutrition. More FACTS!
“Why do experts believe that fiber is essential for health? It is a simple misunderstanding of the research. Well-meaning, intelligent scientists looked at all the data and came to the wrong conclusion by making a single, critically flawed assumption that led them in the wrong direction.”
To be clear, despite being an expert nutritionist, I am not the one saying we don’t need fiber or carbs – the Medical Doctors and Nutrition Ph. D.s are. I know we don’t as I haven’t eaten any in 8 years and am healthier than ever at age 54!
But, I will say that when I used to eat tons of fiber and carbs in my 20s and 30s, I contracted Celiac Disease (Leaky Gut). I suffered horrible pain and nausea for years until I finally did the research, studied, became a nutritionist, and ditched all fiber and carbs. Again, a nasty, truthful, and painful fact I had to go through to get my body under control and rid of the pain! FACT.
Then, once off all carbs and fiber, like magic, all my health problems vanished, and I’ve felt fantastic ever since.
I’m sorry, but the article below by Harvard.edu is outdated.
The food industry sponsored the study, which is what most folks do not know. Please open your eyes to this – most of the studies conducted by the popular large Universities and Research Groups are paid for by the Food Industry. Another uncomfortable but truthful FACT!
Please take a look at Mark Sisson – Author of the NYT best-selling book, The Primal Blueprint. He’s now 70 and has been a keto-carnivore for around 25 years. Does he look unhealthy to you?
And here am I at age 54 – Carnivore for 8 years, healthier and fitter than when I was in my 20s, 30s, and 40s. What more evidence do you need to see? This story is 100% true, not at all misleading or false content. It shows the truth, facts that are all backed up by new scientific evidence!
Please be careful who you listen to and believe about food – even top universities follow outdated and wrong guidelines that can harm our health.
What matters is empirical evidence based on human studies that these doctors and I have generated over many years, which I have presented here.
Yet sadly, mainstream online news platforms like NewwBreakl.com where I also publish, banned this story citing it as:
This terribly wrong conclusion was made by a journalist or editor sitting at his desk in America who has no clue about food, nutrition, and its effects on the human body.
Instead of viewing the 5 videos and extensive articles, I present explaining why we do not require carbs and fiber, some guy with no idea simply blocks and labels it as “false and misleading content!”
And there, dear friends is the censorship world we live in today in the USA! What happened to free speech? Ehm, I think that was always a myth and has never meant anything!
And there, dear friends, is the censorship world we live in today in the USA! What happened to free speech? Ehm, I think that was always a myth and has never meant anything!
We have proven it on ourselves — not just mice — and many others who follow our food advice.
Writer, Metabolic Health Coach & Former Olympic Athlete, Modern Nutritionist.
It’s my goal to Inspire, Inform and Motivate others to Live a Healthy Life by Following Natural Principles
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