I know numerous keto-carnivore folks, medical doctors, nutritionists, dentists, scientists, and “regular” folks who drink some and plenty that are 100% against alcohol.
One popular MD from the US made a statement on Twitter recently, saying something like this:
“Alcohol has no place in any healthy diet, especially not keto-carnivore.”
I strongly disagree with this blanket statement as it’s simply inaccurate — it’s merely his view! There’s no evidence drinking small amounts of wine causes damage to the human body or brain, any diseases, or leads to early death.
The ancient Greeks and Romans drank wine, as do most people in all Mediterranean countries, and they live far healthier and longer lives than the rest of the world’s population.
So, please don’t get sucked into that myth!
I read several similar comments daily about alcohol being a no-no on social media for everyone.
These comments mostly come from people who are ex-alcoholics and encourage or (more succinctly put) try to force their opinion on others as hard and heavily as they can.
Their views on alcohol are no different from many vegan diet lovers—extreme!
Their perceptions of alcohol are personal opinions, which they try to force you into believing. I’m sorry, but that is extreme, offputting for many, and simply the wrong approach!
As most of us understand, extreme opinions are not helpful and never solve problems — they amplify them while causing animosity between the various camps.
That goes for all kinds of topics:
- Sports
- Politics
- Food
- Meat
- Sleep
- Exercise
- Climate change & global warming
- Genders
- Alcohol
Mentioning a few, yet the list is endless.
I drank a lot of all kinds of alcohol 8 years ago before I transformed my body to fat-burning and fixed my mental health
I loved beer and drank spirits with sweet mixers, shots, and wine. I would try everything under the sun because I didn’t care or know how bad it was for my physical and mental health.
At 45, I was more than 60 lbs. overweight, which hung around and above my waist and belly area.
I trained an awful lot, thinking I could get rid of my ballooning belly in the gym. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out too well.
It turned out my eating habits had badly clogged my arteries, which led to a stroke.
That was a scary day and my rude awakening to reality.
I don’t want to lie — I didn’t immediately cut all alcohol.
Because I had no idea what had put me in this position in the first place.
People’s most common perceptions and ideas about how to lose weight are to quit alcohol and hit the gym hard daily
Note: That’s a flawed belief and never works!!!
Here’s why:
1 — If you enjoy alcohol and its buzz or peace of mind, ditching it in a day will always lead to relapsing and binge drinking more.
2 — Heavy daily workouts in the gym are bad for everyone, young, old, fit, or fat. Those kinds of workouts, over time, damage your heart, leading you to contract heart disease.
Just look at Arnold Schwarzenegger — he has heart disease and had 3 heart surgeries. Coincidence or hereditary?
Nope, the cause is overtraining and overeating!
I’m not asking you to believe me — instead, Google:
“How many athletes have heart attacks and die yearly?”
The answers you’ll get will shock you.
The answer: It’s not a popular subject the media likes to talk about. Keeping this type of “sad & bad news” under wraps is better for businesses and their bottom lines.
A sad but a fact! The mainstream media likes to hide these serious realities about sports and premature deaths!
How I’ve lived the keto-carnivore diet for over 8 years with great success while still enjoying my beloved wine
As my headline suggests, I completely changed my lifestyle once I understood food and how it made me fat, sick, and sad.
1 — I quit all junk foods
2 — Ditched sugar completely
3 — Cut almost all carbs
4 — Increased my protein and healthy animal fat intake
5 — Stopped eating out and cooked my food at home
6 — I stopped drinking all alcohol and the sugary toxic mixers that come with cocktails
7 — I continued to enjoy my white and red wine with dinner
I limit my wine to 2 to 3 glasses per dinner. Sometimes, if I eat with friends and we have a small feast, I may consume more.
Either way, my wine-drinking habit (or rather) hobby, passion, and love of wine have not harmed my body, mind, organs, or blood values whatsoever!
I also make sure to move my body frequently by walking, swimming, bodyweight training, and the occasional sprints to keep my cardiovascular system in great shape.
I control my wine consumption by being sensible and mindful
The darker side: If you cannot control your alcohol craving and must keep drinking more and more of the heavy stuff, then that is a problem. It means you are an alcoholic and can’t escape from the demons that crowd your mind and force you to drink more and more!
If that’s the case, remaining healthy and stable on the keto-carnivore or any diet will not work.
In truth, the only way or hope for you to escape that hell is to check into a recovery center for a couple of months, ditch your addiction, stay clean, and start a prosperous new life.
Please read my related health story:
Final Thoughts
You absolutely can drink a limited amount of alcohol on the keto-carnivore diet, which will not have any adverse health impacts — if you stick with wine and can control your mind.
On the other hand, if you can’t control yourself and are an alcohol addict, you need to seek professional health and preferably go to a rehab center to cure yourself.
It’s not easy, but it’s doable!
You will not succeed alone if you have reached that stage.
Thanks for reading my story about the keto-carnivore lifestyle and alcohol.
Be honest with yourself, and manage your situation sensibly.
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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