Rule number 1 — Don’t listen to those who say it’s hard for most to lose weight and you’re ruining your health and the environment by eating meat — they don’t know what they’re rambling on about.
It amazes me how many non-experts with zero food education or years of experience in the subject love to weigh into my weight loss stories.
They have no shame in telling me I’m wrong, it’s not easy to lose weight and keep it off — I’m giving misleading, false, and dangerous information that may kill my readers and me!
Those are pretty radical claims, wouldn’t you agree?
Here are my favorite comments (and my replies) that win the “ridiculousness” award:
- We are all different — no one diet fits all → No, we are not — biologically we are 99.9% identical twins and our bodies all work the same way.
- Do you not care about the planet? → Yes, I do.
- You’re wreaking havoc on your health, and you’ll contract all the diseases you talk about. → No, I’m not, and I won’t.
- Enjoy your colon cancer — you will soon get it. → No, I won’t.
- You’re gravely misguided by your 95% animal diet. → No, I’m correct.
- It’s ill-advice logic of a bodybuilder, not a nutritionist. → I’ve never practiced bodybuilding — but I am a certified nutritionist.
Lovely comments, right? All made by vegans, of course!
Thankfully I have thick skin — nothing bothers me anymore. I’m a well-educated certified modern nutritionist. In fact, I’m as knowledgeable as any medical doctor in my field.
Medical doctors have zero nutritional training — they’re taught about medicine, how the body functions, and how to operate. I know — my ex-wife is a general surgeon and knew nothing about the effects of food and beverages on the body.
She and all the other doctors I saw in the late 90s couldn’t figure out my illness — they didn’t think to ask about my diet.
I later learned my food and beverage consumption was the root cause of my pain.
*Lectins drill tiny holes into your intestinal walls through which your stool leaks into your bloodstream — it’s called Leaky Gut — a very, very unpleasant and excruciating illness.
Instead, in true fashion, the doctors pumped me full of meds to mask the pain, and I ended up on the operating table, where I almost died.
Note: That’s another story for another day — I’ll get to it.
It’s funny how one reader called me a bodybuilder, not a nutritionist.
I never go to the gym and advise people not to lift weights. I guess he missed that part.
Instead, I recommend you use your body as your gym by walking, swimming, and the classic body moves — push-ups, planks, squats, lunges, and pull-ups.
I’m everything but a bodybuilder — I entirely disagree with the mad bulking-up culture of the gym fanatics. It’s terrible for their heart health.
You may read my story on that subject here:
This reader proves he’s a biased, opinionated, and badly misinformed vegan.
The vegan phenomenon — propaganda and lies
I’ve never understood why vegans are so harsh and angry and try to ram the vegan diet down everyone else’s throats.
The other 98% of the world’s population who eat meat do not ever think about convincing vegans to eat meat — we don’t mind— it’s their problem, not ours!
The worst thing is that they always cite flawed studies — usually conducted by vegans claiming that meat eaters pollute the planet and red meat causes heart disease, even cancer.
These claims are false and, indeed, utter nonsense — it’s scaremongering propaganda!
Please read my recent story, where I discuss the truth about the real effects of meat that scientists finally unveiled:
A friend sent me an interesting dialogue he had with a vegan who published a story titled:
“Feeding Kids Meat is Child Abuse — Change My Mind”
The story contains the usual vegan propaganda, but then the author doubles down — saying the WHO claims processed meat is a class 1 carcinogenic, and feeding your kids meat is like making them smoke cigarettes!
Wow! That’s another level of craziness.
My friend pointed out to the author that the study the WHO based their declaration on was rubbish, and the committee that declares food bad is packed with vegans!
He further clarified:
“And don’t get me wrong — it’s not a bad thing to go vegan for emotional reasons. What I find distasteful is when vegans make ludicrous comparisons (like feeding your kids meat is like making them smoke cigarettes) or spread misinformation/propaganda.”
“The study didn’t conclude that the evidence that processed meat causes cancer was every bit as strong as the evidence that tobacco causes cancer — because the cigarette evidence showed a 3000% increase in cancer risk and the meat study only showed an 18% increase.”
“The authors said that they “believed” eating meat was a cancer risk-and — rules of evidence are essentially non-existent.” Steven Anthony
There you have it.
Disclaimer: I do not recommend or ever eat processed meat. The food manufacturers mostly mix it with preservatives, food coloring, taste-enhancing agents, water, and sugar — making it junk food!
How can anyone expect to get the truth out of biased and misguided people?
That’s like asking Donald Trump to admit he lost the election — he/they can’t — their egos and narcissistic minds can’t accept the truth.
The subsequent A-Typical false propaganda claim is that livestock emissions contribute to 51% of the word’s greenhouse gases!
That’s another blatant lie long since debunked and acknowledged by sensible vegans and the authors of the faulty paper in the first place.
Please view the video here, which gives you all the details and truth about greenhouse gases and the relatively tiny effect cows have on the environment.
The Easy way to naturally lose weight and keep it off for good!
It is remarkable how your body responds and finds equilibrium if you treat and feed it right.
Truth be told, it’s not really that remarkable — it’s called nature!
I will keep this final message on weight loss and how to regain optimal health short — because it’s easy to explain and understand.
- Stop eating carbohydrates — it’s a non-essential nutrient humans don’t require
- Eliminate all forms of sugar, including honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, palm sugar, and most fruits
- Drink only water, coffee, tea, lemon water, and a little wine
- Eat mostly meat, fish, seafood, eggs, select vegetables, animal fats, butter, cheese, and herbs and spices
- Move your body frequently by walking, swimming, and with light to moderate bodyweight workouts
If you follow this advice and my Keto-CarnivorePlus Concept for 2 to 3 months, you will drop the weight, and your body will find its natural and healthy weight.
Final Thoughts
I’m not going to ram the meat diet down your throat, but I will point out that I healed myself and probably saved my life by eating meat and cutting all carbs and sugar!
7 years ago, before I turned to the Keto-Carnivore diet, I was 60 lbs. overweight and on 10 medications. I was a sad, depressed, and sick mess.
Since 2016, when I changed my life, I’ve been lean, fat-free, and healthy as a fiddle, inside and out.
My blood markers are excellent, and I have no signs of cancer — I’m 53 years young, and feel better than in my twenties.
9 x Top Medium Writer in Food, Health, Life Lessons, Life, Self Improvement, Travel, Mental Health, and Education.
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