My Carnivore friends, please listen up, and read. I’ve been on this diet for over 8 years. Way longer than most of you.
I survived a stroke, horribly high blood pressure, massive depression, and many more sicknesses.
Then I saved myself by turning to the keto diet first, and two years later I went mostly Carnivore, and things got even better — that was great!
I also studied nutrition and thus became a certified expert nutritionist with my focus being on ancestral health and life.
Please, I beg you, don’t keep telling folks they must only eat Rib-Eye Steaks. That’s simply wrong, fake, and will turn off many people from trying this diet and way of life.
I’m in the Carnivore Camp. And guess what? I want many, many more people to join our ranks.
That’s not going to happen by telling the newbies they can only, and forever just eat Rob-Eye Steaks!
The majority will not like that — even worse, you will put them off! So, don’t be extreme — take off your blinkers and send out the real message to people worldwide.
That message is:
Eat meat and animal products if you want to lose weight and regain optimal metabolic and mental health.
Because the average American diet relies so heavily on carbohydrates, many of us battle blood sugar spikes and energy fallout on a daily basis. With the carnivore diet essentially eliminating sugar intake, blood sugar levels tend to even out. This helps to stabilize energy throughout the day.
And you may also enjoy other delights too without messing up your metabolism.
Here’s my list of Carnivore-keto foods that will keep you on fire forever:
Eat meat, fish, seafood, eggs, healthy animal fats, good-quality dairy products including cheese, cream, and full-fat yogurt, select lectin-free vegetables, dark chocolate, berries, and lots of herbs and spices.
Plus, enjoy your red wine — yes, yes — you can, a little wine is absolutely fine and healthy!
Please read my related story about Vegans and Carnivores:
Death By A Thousand Cuts — Vegans Are Fighting A Losing Battle Against Meat and Their Health
Final Thoughts
Keto, carnivore, paleo, or whatever you are, that’s all great. But please do you, me, and us all a favor.
Don’t be extreme — it turns people off and away!
If you keep doing this, you’ll only harm our cause to help people become healthier!
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