There’s a funny thing I’ve learned during my considerably lengthy time on this planet (more on that in a minute). By the way, I’m 52 but feel and look better than when I was 25. My mindset says I’m not 52, but 25! That’s how I feel, so why the heck not go with it?!
This feeling and awareness make me happy and positive. I don’t ever worry about my age and getting older anymore. I remember being super depressed when I turned 40, but turning 50 was nothing for me, as I managed to completely change my mindset at 46.
In case you didn’t know, we have two ages; chronological (time) and biological (how your face, body, and mind look and feel). I go by the latter; agree or not, I don’t care, it’s my life. That’s simply how I feel and think of myself. I’m often asked my age; my body is slim and lean, my face tight with healthy glowing skin. I regularly anticipate and love that question. How old do you think I reply? 95% guess something between 40 and 45, and I’ve had younger too.
Honesty & Directness are Not your Friends.
The truth be told, people just don’t want your honesty, nor do they want you being direct or blunt. Being frank, truthful, and to the point is deemed to be rude! Skirt around the issue and appease; whatever you do, don’t disagree! And don’t voice your opinion; just shut up, and go along with their flow. That’s what’s expected from you! Not everyone is like that, but I’ve found a great majority of people to be just like that.
I’m a straight shooter; I’m grounded in reality, not on Mars. I say what I think, I do what I say, plus I don’t mask things with phantasy, fairy tales, and emojis — all that kissy kissy lovey-dovey stuff is basically a load, you know what! One day you get kisses and love emojis saying how great you are and all that jazz, the next, they can call you an asshole — because you disagreed with them. I’ve seen this happen time and time again. It’s a learning curve, but now I see it coming before it arrives!
That’s how quickly these types can turn, which is why I coined the term for the next paragraph.
“The Digital Media Disease & Disaster!”
The term applies to all popular social media platforms, primarily Facebook and Instagram, Messenger Apps, and email. All forms of digital communication can easily create a toxic environment, with folks yelling at each other, protected by their home and screen! Would these same people say the things they do to each other in person? I don’t think so — otherwise, we’d have a civil war on the streets! Yes, that’s how bad it can get with the digital outlets!
The rants via social media posts and comments can get vicious! BUT, the Olympic Gold goes to the oh-so-popular WhatsApp Messaging App. I mean, this app is so toxic it’s not even funny. It unleashes a flurry of furious and unnecessary messages worldwide, daily! Most people I know hang on to their beloved phone until the lights finally go out, checking and writing WhatsApp messages before finally giving in to sleep. It seriously has become an illness!
Peeps today just can’t live without WhatsApp. This addiction means they can’t stop checking for, reading, or sending senseless messages, constantly. In the “real world” (face-to-face or voice call conversations), questions or issues can be answered and resolved within a few sentences that may take 1 to 5 minutes — with halfway-reasonable people. But certainly not by texting guys. Texting on WhatsApp has become an open season non-stop fire-away ranting platform. Sometimes I’ll get 30 texts in a row from the same person about the same issue. At some point, I decide not to read these texts anymore, silence the individual or skim the garbage later. But it doesn’t stop. Well, then there’s that magic button called BLOCK — use it!
Simply put, it’s all coo-coo! So thanks for all of these apps, dear Mr. Zuckerberg. Your apps have essentially taken over people’s minds and are now platforms for showing off to defame, spew hate, and rage at each other! Okay, to be fair, there are some nice photos on Instagram, and you can get some semi-useful info from Facebook, but 99% is garbage.
The next funny thing I’ve discovered is this: My primary profession today is writing, but I’m also a certified Health Coach and Nutritionist, plus a former Olympian. So what, you may think? Well, because I am. And I don’t care, and nor do I want you to. That’s just a bit of background.
The Olympics in Japan is over, but its drama reminded me of my time back in the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics.I was 17 and had nobody but myself to help me get the job done. I did just that without the drama. Did anyone care then or now? Of course not. Simone Biles will feel the same in some years from now. I do wish her the best, as it’s not easy to get back into some sort of “normal life” after going to those extremes.
What’s all of this got to do with the Title of this Article?
“Your AGE doesn’t matter — But Your Mind and Body Do!
Well, I’m not 25, nor am I talking inexperienced junk as so many young guns do! I’m 52 and have done stuff very few can even dream about!
What I wrote above relates to how you feel, look, and think, which translates to your age and who you are. That, along with the proper nutrition and balanced exercise, of course.
I wrote Mind before Body because, if your mind isn’t healthy, clear, positive, happy, and balanced, you run the risk of becoming one of the haters and going off the rails yourself. It’s happened to me in the past, trust me on that, and it’s damned hard to recognize and rein in! And, that’s why I say it’s never too late to reinvent yourself and become a better, healthier, and stronger person in Body and Mind, as long as your Mind is on the right path!
Mental Health Matters! Sadly this is a much ignored and downplayed subject.
If you think you’re overweight or grumpy, you probably are. If you’re always down and negative, well, that’s your mind playing games with you, probably due to your environment, job, circle of friends, or even your family.
In Summary.
Checking yourself in the mirror and looking deep inside is the only way you’ll know where and who you are. But, you must be honest with yourself, and don’t lie! If you see something you don’t like, make a big big effort to change that: whether it’s being Angry on Digital Media, Overweight, Upset, Negative, or running out of Cash, do something about it. Take action and make changes — fast!
The mind controls most of us; emotions, anxieties, desires, and eventually your outcome — who you are! Check yourself daily, stop think and make a reset to a new you! Start being the boss of your mind, and take control.
You’ll reach your body goals with a healthy and positive mindset. Then await the result: a new you, a reinvention, and that’s when you realize “Your Age Doesn’t Matter — Your Mind and Body do!”
Thanks for reading.