Food addiction is real — we should take it as seriously as drug, alcohol, and cigarette addiction and take real action to help people regain their health!
“UK push to rank food addiction alongside drugs and alcohol.”
That’s a headline of an article from one of the UK’s most popular newspapers from February 21, 2023.
I’m grateful the article was published in this particular paper because the masses read it. In other words, the mostly not-so-well-off, of which many suffer from food-related health issues.
It’s a start, a small step in the right direction, but I doubt much will change.
A highly respected and reputable doctor publicly stated that food addiction, which causes diabetes, obesity, and early death, is a massive epidemic and will unleash an unsustainable health crisis.
“Dr. Jen Unwin, a former addict who is now a chartered clinical and health psychologist, said: “We are sleepwalking into a public health disaster.”
The problem: This is not a mission led by the UK government.
Instead, the UK Charity Public Health Collaboration is considering proposing to the World Health Organisation (WHO) to classify food addiction as a substance use disorder — like cocaine, opioids, and nicotine.
You and I know if the WHO receives such a proposal, there would have to be many from other countries for them even consider it.
And then, if they do classify food addiction as substance abuse, what good would that do?
Whatever the WHO says has nothing to do with any country’s laws and regulations.
Let’s look at the UK as a PRIME example:
Considering who they chose as the UK’s new “Health Secretary,” Theresa Coffey, I’m not particularly hopeful anything will or can change for a long time!

Ms. Coffey is only 50, yet looks markedly older, which is clear for everyone to see. It’s also evident to everyone she’s exceptionally unhealthy, probably has type 2 diabetes, is morbidly obese, and doesn’t care.
“She told LBC’s Nick Ferrari that she “appreciates I may not be the role model,” but that her own experiences as an NHS patient will see her make them the priority.”
That statement frightens me.
Let’s face the facts and something known as “reality.” A person in such shockingly poor health should not be the leader of a country’s health policy.
Do you agree?
And it’s not only the UK. Many other countries have also put unhealthy and overweight politicians in charge of their nations “health affairs.
Addiction To Carbs, Fiber, and Sugar-Laced Junk Foods Make You Sick
Now to the gist and purpose of this story:
Whether you like it or not and disagree with me by kicking and screaming in the comments section of my articles — the consumption of excessive carbs, fiber, and sugary foods makes you sick.
It is the root of this worldwide exploding health epidemic.
Just look around when you’re walking the streets of your hometown. You will soon see that most people are overweight or obese and look pretty damn awful!
They’re aging like sour milk!!!
1 — Carb Addiction
Carbohydrates are derived from grains and are pro-inflammatory to your body.
They convert to sugar in your bloodstream and are pushed into your fat cells, making you overweight and sicker.
All processed foods come from one form of grain or another and are unhealthy.
Plus, these processed junk foods you eat always contain added sugar.
Unpopular Fact #1: Carbs are a non-essential nutrient.
Your body and brain do not need or want to be fueled by anything made from grains.
2 — Fiber Addiction
The food industry and scientists purposely mislead you into believing fiber is essential for gut health and promotes digestion.
That’s not true, and it’s long since been proven that we do not require any fiber for a healthy gut and excellent digestion – the opposite is the case!
Fibrous foods are mostly carb-heavy, often made from grains, and can cause a leaky gut (celiac disease).
I had celiac disease for years — it was the worst time of my life.
Once I stopped eating most vegetables and legumes, guess what? My leaky gut disappeared — just like that!
Why? A miracle, a coincidence? No, the plain reality of me cutting carbs and fiber from my diet!
Your body does not need fiber for digestion or anything else.
Unpopular Fact #2: Fiber is another non-essential nutrient.
3 — Sugar Addiction
What can I say about sugar? There’s not much to say, as it’s super simple.
Sugar is addictive — it’s toxic and rots your teeth, stomach, and mind, making you mentally and physically sick.
Sugar is a drug falsely classified as food.
The worst part about sugar?
It’s the largest crop in the world and purposely snuck into every processed food and drink you consume.
Sugar is not food — sugar is a drug that messes with your mind and makes you ill and overweight.
Final Thoughts
To all you carb, fiber, and sugar lovers out there:
You are addicted to these so-called foods and drinks, which will only increase the steady decline of your health and shorten your life span.
If you don’t believe me, that’s fine — I don’t mind.
I’ve been there, done that.
I turned my mental and metabolic health from a shambles 8 years ago to excellent by entirely dropping these 3 “food groups” from my diet.
I do not eat carbs, fiber, or sugar. Do I look unhealthy or like I’m dying?

Hundreds of thousands of others have done the same and regained their optimal metabolic health.
Please take a look at my previous articles on this subject:
Your Body and Brain Do Not Need Whole Grains, Carbohydrates, And Fiber — Stop Believing The Scams
I hope you enjoy my story and the truth!
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