It’s about staying positive, focusing on your health, both in body and mind, keeping fit, finding your passion, making it your life, and loving it.
Then, all that’s left to do is march forward, follow your goals, and make your dreams come true — like the cavalry, you have the power to charge up the hill and win, no matter your age.
Believing in yourself is your most potent weapon and defense mechanism — guard it well!
If you believe and have complete confidence in your body, mind, now, and future, there’s no need to ever think about your age again.
Instead, get on with life, make the most of every day, and love it!
Age is just a number that most pay far too much attention to — don’t do that. Forget about the number in your passport.
You have 2 ages
- Chronological Age — your actual time alive
- Biological Age — how you look and feel
The choice is yours: You can go with the clock and freak yourself out, losing more confidence as you age.
Or, you can choose the body and mind option, keeping yourself fresh and young.
What do you prefer? I’m all in with No 2!
I’m 53, but I always say I’m 35 — that’s how I feel and think I look.
I’ve got way more power, energy, and abilities than most 35-year-old men I know and see.
My body is also far fitter than your average 35-year-old man. Once men hit their 30s, many tend to let themselves go, and their bellies behin to grow.
That’s your starting point to growing old, losing your youthful mindset, and damaging your metabolic health.
My 9-step “health and staying young program” to keep yourself metabolically and mentally healthy and younger:
1. Your food is the natural medicine that keeps you healthy and young, or not.
This point is the most valuable of all — so please read carefully and take it seriously.
What you put in your body makes or breaks you. You know the expression:
“You are what you eat?”
The saying was first coined in 1826 and couldn’t be more accurate today.
Just look around — most young and older folks are overweight, look tired, and are in poor health.
Unfortunately, 80% to 90% of the population eat unhealthy, carb-heavy (sugar), and sugar-laden processed foods cooked in toxic seed oils, making them sick and fat.
People overlook the vital building blocks of life and your cells — protein and saturated animal fats.
They undervalue the need for protein and are misled into believing these essential foods are bad for their health.
Animal protein, fat, and all animal products are crucial for a healthy human body and for you to thrive and stay young for life.
I can tell a person’s inner health — metabolic health — and their state of mind just by looking at them.
Eat your meat, fish, seafood, eggs, some select vegetables, herbs, spices, avocados, lots of hot chilies, lemon water, coffee/tea, and yes, enjoy your wine too.
2. Keep an unwaveringly positive mindset.
Building your positivity and staying positive no matter what happens or how challenging a situation may be is of paramount importance to your mental health and confidence.
No matter what’s thrown your way, always remember — as long as you don’t drown, after rain comes the sun.
3. Practice meditation & positive affirmations.
Some say meditation is a waste of time, and sitting still for 10-minutes makes them more anxious.
That’s ridiculous. Those are precisely the people who need to meditate and make it a daily mind-calming practice.
Meditation also supports your positive mindset.
Next, throw in simple, fun, and easy-to-do positive affirmations.
How to do?
After your 5 to 10-minute meditation session, begin your affirmations:
→ You express gratitude for what you’ve achieved, have, and are alive and healthy.
→ Then, ask the universe, or your god, what you wish for in life. You ask, and you will get — the power of attraction is real and works if you believe in and keep it up.
Finish by thanking everyone important to you and sending your love to them.
4. Daily walking — 10k to 15k steps a day!
My secret, which isn’t so secret to the wise man, is to walk as much as I can every day for my health, which helps me stay young, fresh, and agile.
I go for 3 “structured, fast-paced walks” daily — morning, noon, and evening.
In between, I walk to as many places as possible to do my errands, meet people or take a coffee break.
If you’re interested in walking and the amazing benefits you can reap, then you should read my story:
15.000 Steps A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!
Walking is fantastic for your cardiovascular and heart health.
Walking builds strong legs, improves posture, is gentle on joints and bones, and boosts your creative mind and positivity!
Do you see how vital those benefits alone are?
5. Swim, swim, and swim again.
Swimming is another underrated exercise and relaxation practice.
You’re using all muscle groups when swimming and simultaneously boosting your cardiovascular and heart health.
Swimming isn’t only exercise — it’s water therapy, which calms and soothes your mind and supports your positivity.
6. Strength train by using your body as your gym.
It’s always a good idea to build your muscles at any age with some strength training.
The problem here is that most overdo it, resulting in overtraining, which harms your heart and leads to injuries and burnout.
Keep your strength training to a maximum of 2 to 3 sessions per week using only your body weight.
You achieve this with the simplest classic exercises used for centuries and in the military today.
- Push-ups
- Pull-ups
- Squats
- Lunges
- Planks
- Dips
Those 6 exercises rotated into 15 to 30-minute workout sessions 3 times per week are all you need to build and maintain lean muscles and a sexy physique.
7. Sprint once a week, up a hill, stairs, steps, or in the pool.
Sprinting is the single best exercise that burns fat for hours and rebuilds lean muscle.
You can complete a sprint session of 4 to 6 sets in 10 to 15 minutes.
The beauty of sprint training: You activate your fast-twitch muscles, which intensify your muscle breakdown, rebuilding them leaner and stronger.
That process lasts around 12 hours, during which your body keeps burning fat.
That’s a double whammy and the best bang for your buck in time and reward.
8. Spend time in nature
You’re not going to feel very good, and your health will gradually decline if you’re always stuck at home or in an office.
Walking outdoors qualifies as nature time, making walking that much more vital to your health, youthfulness, and longevity.
However, taking a weekly day or a weekend nature trip puts a whole different spin on the matter.
Once in the great outdoors, your mood changes, and you lift your spirits.
While walking or trekking in a forest, mountain, or lake, you suck up the negative ions floating around the air, giving you the best positive vibes and happiness.
9. Seek the sun — you need it!
Last but not least — don’t shun the sun. The sun is vital to life on earth and for your health.
Sunrays provide you with the essential Vitamin D hormone.
As long as you’re not baking in the sun all day long, you will not contract skin cancer — that’s a myth.
Pro-Tip: Did you know that sunscreens contain chemicals that do not block the harmful UV rays but do block your Vitamin D intake? Your sunscreen isn’t doing your health or skin any favors.
Final Thought
I started my new life and health journey in 2016 and have been practicing these methods for over 7 years.
I used to be close to 100lbs. overweight — I was constantly sick and on 10 different meds for my body and mental health issues.
The medications didn’t help — they just hooked me and made matters worse.
Once I found my way and created my “9-step health and staying young program,” I solved all my problems.
My program works — I turned my health around, which most likely also saved my life.
This story was inspired by
and his article “Do 50+ Men Have a Future.” I highly recommend reading it.
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Please download my E-Books for your health:
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
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The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health. Since I’ve been practicing, writing, and teaching these methods…
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
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I’m a Top Writer in Food, Health, Life Lessons, Life, Self Improvement